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The management team of Evolution Concepts comprises of members with years of hands on and operational experiences in specialised ship building. They are the business owners of the partner companies and bring with them valuable insights on current market trends and relationships with other key stakeholders in the international marine community. 

Kelvin Chong
Group Executive Director

Iris Zhao
Executive Director
Business Development, HVAC

Kelvin is overall responsible for all the projects undertaken by the partnership and ensures all the integrated projects run smoothly meeting time lines, budgets, technical specifications and all other key deliverables as required by  our clients.  He manages the team that forms the key contact point for shipyards, suppliers, business partners and clients. 

Iris possesses a multitude of contacts and business relationships developed over the years in the international marine industry, She develops collaborations for the HVAC specialisation with shipyards, international owners and operators. She represents the HVAC specialisation in commercial negotiations.

Thomas Yu 
Executive Director

Engineering, HVAC
Jennifer Ting
Executive Director
Corporate Finance

Thomas is an expert in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and cold room system and develops effective HVAC solutions that is of paramount importance to any vessels. Together with running the manufacturing base in Shanghai, he also works with international makers of HVAC components to design robust and quality systems that strictly adhere to the requirements and ambient conditions of targeted area of operations.

Jennifer leads the team in capital budgeting and is responsible for the deployment of long term capital. She identifies capital expenditures, estimates future cash flow and compares planned investment with potential proceeds. In addition, she maintains relationships with banks, investors and other financial intermediaries. She also governs the exposure and risk profile as well as manages liquidity of the team. 

Lakshmana Ekanayake
Group Executive Director
Concept Development
Alex Peck
Executive Director
Engineering, Power Systems

Laks has over decades of experience in concept development, shipbuilding and system integration. Always working closely with the end user to develop a fit for purpose and cost effective solutions to ensure client have a competitive edge with the new assets invested.

Alex is the subject matter expert on electrical power system integration. Power System forms the backbone to any vessels. He have diverse experience in commercial and industrial buildings, health care facilities, government projects and various type of offshore platforms and vessels. Alex have strong relationship with equipment OEM such as ABB, Baldor, General Electric which makes us a choice partner for efficient and effective system integration


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